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On this page, Inside Pageant will publish a list of pageants that we refuse to follow, to cover… In summary that the team has decided to put on a blacklist.

Before blacklisting a pageant, we spend a lot of time analyzing, gathering evidence, but also convincing testimonials about what happens within these beauty contest. We are still trying to get in touch with the competition to get their explanations.

We will not follow contests, which show inappropriate behavior towards candidates, but also discriminatory and outrageous statements by sponsors or directors. We want candidates to be able to live a healthy human adventure and above all with organizations that take care of their candidates and are attentive to their mental health.

Proven cheating is also a criterion that will lead to blacklisting. Competitions must be transparent about their selection criteria, but also about their results.

We will always justify our choices through an article to introduce you to our investigation and some of our evidence.


 2022 Blacklist
Contests Reasons
Mister France See this article

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