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In her own Crown / Talk with...

Inside Pageant talks with Reina Hispanoamericana Cuba 2022, Alyanni Trujillo

Alyanni Trujillo was crowned Reina Hispanoamericana Cuba 2022. She becomes the official country’s representative in the biggest pageant in South America : Reina Hispanoamericana. It will take place in October 2022 ib Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Inside Pageant had the pleasure of being able to interview this beauty queen to know her better.

Alyanni, thanks for your time and congratulations for your title. First, can you introduce yourself in few words?

Hello Pageant Inside Family! Thank you for the interview and opportunity! My name is Alyanni Trujillo, I am a 21 year old professional dancer who recently discovered and fell in love with modeling and beauty pageants. I competed last June in the Reinado Nacional de Belleza Cuba competition and won the Reina Hispanoamericana Cuba title. I am honored and exited to represent Cuba at the upcoming edition of Reina Hispanoamericana in Bolivia.


Which word describe you the best? Why?

The word that describes me the most will be brave. Ever since I was a little girl I have been pushing myself to try new things, going out of my comfort zone and achieving my wildest dreams.


Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My grandmother was and still is I huge influence in my life. She shaped me into the strong and independent woman I am. Her death was a breaking point in my life. For the longest time I felt hopeless until I remembered that she would have been very disappointed if I continued in that path. And what was making me feel so weak and down became my biggest strength. I know she is always watching over me and I will never stop working hard to make her feel proud.



What is the best lesson your parents have taught you that has shaped your life?

My mom is my role model and number one supporter. She showed me to never give up and work hard for my dreams no matter what people say or think. I shall always push myself to be a better person and create the life I have always dreamt off.


Since your childhood, did you dream of becoming a beauty queen?

When I was a little girl I used to watch beauty pageants with my mom and dad . I always told them that when I grew up I wanted to be like them and my mom would always say “Alyi you are a queen too.” And since then I knew I wanted to be a beauty queen and impact other girls to realize we all are beauty queens.


What means pageantry for you?

Pageantry is my safe place where I can express myself and show other girls from future generations the importance of self love. Beauty pageants and the arts are such amazing platforms to inspire others to work hard for their dreams even when in doubt and when society is telling them not to.


Tell me your pageant journey

I heard about the pageant through a friend and I remember telling my mom I wanted to compete and represent Cuba internationally. My mom has always believe in me and she is my number one supporter, seeing how happy and exited she was at that moment was what that extra push and motivation I needed to compete and bring the crown home.


You are Reina Hispanoamericana Cuba. How has this title challenged you?

I am new to modeling  and pageantry, and competing against so many beautiful and talented women was challenging. I had to work hard and prepare myself physically and mentally to do my best and be happy with the judges’ decision. Today I can say it was worth it and I can’t wait to be called Cuba while competing for the Reina Hispanoamericana title in Bolivia this year.


Of all the messages you have received since your crowning, which one made you the most happy?

Wow! I have received so much love and beautiful messages since I was crowned Reina Hispanoamericana Cuba but the one that my dad sent me from Cuba made me the most happy . He told me that my grandmother would have been proud of me, of the woman I have become and how hard I worked for it. He also expressed how proud he was and that he couldn’t have ask for a better daughter and representation for Cuba. His message touched my soul! I miss my dad everyday. It is hard to be far away from him and the rest of my family but love always keeps us together.


What’s your best memory in pageantry?

 My best memory was getting to meet the girls and spending time with the them during our classes, rehearsals and backstage before the show. I loved those moments were we connected and talked about our experiences in life, expectations and experiences. We all had the change to know each other on a deeper level and make lifelong friendships. Now I have more friends and memories worth remembering forever.


Find the full interview with Alyanni in the next issue of Inside Pageant


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