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Rosanna Davison: New book on the heartbreak and hope on her journey to motherhood

Rosanna Davison has announced she has written a new book on her difficult road to motherhood. Due to be published in the autumn, When Dreams Come True examines the “stigma and silence that surrounds infertility“.

In July 2019 Rosanna and her husband Wes Quirke announced that their daughter Sophia was on the way via gestational surrogate. A year later, they discovered they were due to become parents to twin boys, Hugo and Oscar.  Previously, Rosanna had experienced 14 miscarriages.

In an Instagram video posted, the former Miss World says her aim in writing the book is to “help to normalise the conversation about infertility, miscarriage and pregnancy loss“.

Rosanna Davison-Quirke and son Hugo Davison-Quirke. 

Rosanna Davison-Quirke and son Hugo Davison-Quirke. 

While dealing with repeated miscarriages, she says she discovered the “healing power in discussing or sharing your experiences”.

“I was desperate when we were going through those years of miscarriages to find out or to know that miracles can come true when it comes to fertility and I would have loved to have you know a story like this to read, give me a little bit of hope.

The book covers other aspects of her life as a mum, including the “surprise” experience with the birth. “It didn’t go quite as it was meant to go“.

She also writes about her experience of breastfeeding. “And how we’ve adapted to life with three children under two and embrace the chaos and the mess and the tears and the mess.


Above all, she says, the book is written for her children. “To read in the future soo they will know exactly how they came into the world how much we long for them, and how deeply loved they are. I hope that one day they’ll show it to their own children and perhaps their grandchildren too will read the story of love, loss, hope, and a family dream come true.”

When Dreams Come True, the heartbreak and hope on my journey to motherhood, by Rosanna Davison will be published by Gill on October 8. It is available to pre-order now from Easons, Dubray Books and Bookstation.

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