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In her own Crown / Talk with...

Inside Pageant talks with Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer 2022, Melissa Le

Melissa Le was crowned the first ever Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer. Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer is a preliminary pageant to Miss Teen Volunteer America, a nationwide, service-oriented scholarship program, that seeks to empower young women across the country through educational scholarships and extraordinary opportunities. The inaugural edition of Miss Teen Volunteer America will take place on April 30,2022 in Jackson, Tennessee.

Of Vietnamese descent, this brilliant high school student hopes to become a dermatologist.

Inside Pageant – Hello Melissa. Thank you for giving me some of your time for this interview. Describe yourself through your tastes, what you like…

– If you were a dish, you’d be…

Seafood stir fry!

– If you were a dessert, you’d be…

Ice cream!

– If you were an animal, you’d be…

An elephant!

– If you were a plant (flower, tree…), you’d be…

A pink rose!

– If you were a precious stone or not, you’d be…

An amethyst!

– If you were a word, you’d be…


– If you were a movie or a TV series, you’d be…

The Little House on the Prairie

– If you were a celebrity, you’d be…

Taylor Swift!

– If you were a cartoon, you’d be…

A Powerpuff Girl!

– If you were a great power, you’d be…

Super Speed!

– If you were a legendary/imaginary creature, you’d be…

A fairy!

– If you were a song, you’d be…

I would love to be any Taylor Swift song!

– The song that most reflects your state of mind of this moment?

Still into You by Paramore!

– The song you’re a fan of and you’re playing in a loop?

Take It Like a Man from Legally Blonde the Musical

– If you were a motto, you’d be…

Have confidence in yourself, and others will have confidence in you!

– If you were a hashtag, you’d be…


– If you were a quality, you’d be…


– If you were a guilty pleasure, you’d be

Watching 2000’s Disney Movies

Inside Pageant – If your purse told us who you are… Your purse goes with you throughout the day, what could it tell us about WOW about you that nobody knows?

That I don’t carry very many big items with me.

– What do we find in your purse?

Cortizone, lip gloss, money, chapstick, floss, wipes, and hair bands.

– What’s wow in your purse?

That although my bag is very small, you will find so many hair bands at the bottom!

– What’s the essential item you always put in your purse? 

Cortizone because I have very sensitive skin.

– What will we never find in your purse?

You will never see gum in my purse because I have braces.

Inside Pageant – If your telephone told us who you are… Are you desperate when you lose your phone?

I am, not because I need to play games or check social media, but because I do many extracurricular activities, and need to call my parents after I am through!

– Your favorite app?

My favorite app is Messages because I can contact all of my friends and family there.

– The app you watch as soon as you get up?

I always check Instagram as soon as I wake up.

– What’s the last photo taken?

My last photo was on February 3rd, and it was pictures for my birthday.

– What is the latest follow account on Instagram?

The Miss Maryland Volunteer Pageant, @missmdvolpageant, was the last Instagram account I followed.

Find the entire interview in the next issue of Inside Pageant, available soon. 

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