After a long months of speculation, the news finally broke. Miss Universe Organization changes ownership. JKN Global Group takes over the ownership of The Miss Universe...
After three successful years, former Miss Universe Denise Quiñones has resigned as national director of the Miss Universe Puerto Rico organization. Under her directorship, Puerto Rico...
“Due to the limited event capacity for the 69th Miss Universe Competition and high demand for these packages, VIP Packages are sold out at this time,”...
Susannah Schaefer, president and CEO of Smile Train, discusses the organization’s mission and progress toward empowering women globally. Source – Cheddar
The Miss Universe Organization has posted a video on their official YouTube page, asking selected contestants what they will wear at fashion week. Worldwide, the fall and winter...
The organization of Miss Universe sent an e-mail to the national directors and have stated that 69th edition of Miss Universe i.e., Miss Universe 2020 will...