The former executive director of the Miss Florida Scholarship Program, an organization dedicated to “helping young women succeed in pursuing their dreams of higher education,” was...
Miss America 1942 Jo-Carroll Dennison has died. She was 97. The pageant queen, who was the oldest living Miss America, passed away at her home in Idyllwild, California...
Miss America competition maximum age for candidates increases to twenty-six (26) years old from twenty-five (25) by December 31st in the state competition year. Must be at...
The 2021 Miss New York and Miss New York’s Outstanding Teen Competitions will be held at historic Paramount Hudson Valley Theater in Peekskill May 28-30. Here, a prominent Westchester business executive and former Miss New Jersey shares her reflections...
Dear Miss America Organization, I received your latest news release about your new agreement with Mohegan Sun concerning the next three years of your beauty pageant....
The 100th Miss America will be crowned before a live audience at the Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut following a year of virtual appearances and delayed competitions due...
Courtney Newell launched Crowned Marketing and Communications. Now she advises big brands on inclusive messaging. Courtney Newell graduated college during the 2008 recession. She sent out...
This Christmas season, it’s time to talk about gifts. In our attic, we found a Barbie doll bearing the image of the Miss America pageant.