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Pageantry Review

Pageantry Review – Are beauty pageants A MUST in this pandemic world…

Before this Coronavirus pandemic showed up, the world was inundated with beauty pageants, and there were also lots of unheard of pageants, held in various countries, where even the citizens of those countries never knew that such pageants existed.

In our part of the world, too, pageants were popping up, like mushrooms, and I was keeping my fingers crossed…waiting for someone ‘enterprising’ to brighten up this scene further – with novelty.

The way titles were being conjured up for these pageants, I would not have been surprised if we had a ‘Miss Tuk-Tuk’ beauty pageant, or even a ‘Miss Kalagedi.’

Since the world went into ‘shutdown’ mode, due to the pandemic, beauty pageants went off the scene, as well, and quite rightly so.

Naturally, with planet Earth in such a turmoil, not many would be able to fix their minds on…yes, beauty pageants!

And, this is a very good reason for them to think twice about such pageants…

Two beauty queens, from Nigeria and Kenya, who are in Thailand for the Miss Grand International beauty pageant, have tested positive for COVID-19 and are now being treated at Piyavate Hospital in Bangkok.

Of course, one would say, life has to go on, but are beauty pageants of vital importance…in this pandemic setup?

If they are virtual (online) productions, it’s understandable. But, if they are not, then, obviously, Covid-19 health rules cannot be maintained.

If it’s a live event, one would see contestants, at a beauty pageant, lined up, on stage – with no masks, and no social distancing.

Some of these contests also require the contestants to travel, as a group, to attend various other functions/activities, connected with their pageants – again with no face masks, and no social distancing.

Due to the pandemic, most of the big events, the world over, are being held as virtual (online) events, in order to ensure the safety of those involved.

The Grammy Awards 2021 is a good example.

They are doing it differently, this year.

“Nothing is more important than the health and safety of those in our music community and the hundreds of people who work tirelessly on producing the show,” said a spokesman for the Grammys.

Unfortunately, quite a few of our folks don’t seem to realise that the Coronavirus pandemic is REAL, and is DEADLY.

If you check out some of our entertainment venues, you will know what I mean.

A look at some of these events, highlighted on social media, makes it very obvious that the Covid-19 health rules that Police Spokesman DIG Ajith Rohana refers to, almost daily, in the press, on radio and TV, are disregarded.

Scientists say people should continue to take measures, such as routine mask-wearing and avoiding crowded places during Covid-19 surges, and Colombo is on the high list, where Sri Lanka is concerned.

Evan after vaccination, “I still would want to wear a mask if there was a variant out there,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Advisor to the US President Joe Biden, said in an interview. “All you need is one little flick of a variant (sparkling) another surge.”


Source – The Island Online 
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