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Olga Bykadorova appointed as Miss Grand Canada 2021

Olga Bykadorova was announced as the new Miss Grand Canada 2021 by a statement on Miss Grand Canada’s official social media. She was selected on a national virtual pageant among 23 competitors. She succeeded Miss Grand Canada 2020 Sara Winter for the title and will represent her country at the upcoming edition of Miss Grand International, be held in October 2021 in Thailand.

Born in Ukraine, Olga moved to Canada in 2007. She had to learn English and French upon arriving to Canada. In 2013 they returned to Ukraine but due to the war of Dunbas with Russia, they fled back to Canada, where she lives until today. The 26-years-old beauty queen graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, majoring in Finance, and is currently working as a financial advisor.

Olga took to her social media to thank everyone who helped her throughout the journey. She wrote, “I want to thank each one who helped my score through comments and all your beautiful messages! Thank you so much for always being there for me.” She is fluent in four languages, including French, English, Ukrainian, and Russian, and is working on adding Spanish to the list.

The diva lives by the “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” quote in her life. Growing up, as a daughter of an immigrant family, Olga watched her parents make sacrifices to give her the chance to have a good life full of opportunities and wants to use her platform to empower children precisely to do that and demystify financial education for kids by teaching them the real and true value of money.

The diva is not new to the world of beauty pageants as she was top 8 of Miss World Canada 2020 after her participation in 2019. She finished among the top 15 (semi-finalist) of Top Model of the World 2020 and the top 10 of Miss Multiverse 2020.

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