Contestants embark on a full-day trip to Sharm El Sheikh and the first highlight of the day was their visit to an Egyptian Museum which features...
Miss Grand International 2020 held its National Costume Competition on 24th March 2021 where the delegates paraded on stage in their traditional costumes depicting their countries’...
Miss Universe South Africa 2020, Natasha Joubert has announced the 12 design labels chosen to take part in her upcoming #DestinyDesigned virtual fashion show in April aimed at...
Miss Grand International 2020 National Costume Competition took place on Wednesday, March 24 at the SHOW DC Hall in Bangkok, Thailand. You can now vote by...
A tree planting activity was held, where each representative from their respective countries would have their own tree to plant. it’s a very meaningful and fun...
Activities continue at Miss Eco International. Yesterday, some were immortalized at the Natueal in the gardens of the Ecotel Dahab Bay View Resort hotel before participating...
The organization organized the Swimsuit Competition on 20th March 2021 at Lebua Hotels and Resorts at State Tower Hotel, Bangkok where all the queens from all...
Preliminary interviews are decisive in a Grand Slam contest, especially when among the judges are the president and vice president of the company that produces the...
Miss Teen Américas has begun. All the delegations have arrived and have taken their quarters in the hotel which welcomes them. They got to know each...
Miss Eco International 2020 begin in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The delegates arrived in the host country. After a welcome meeting and the sash ceremony, the...