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Pageantry Review

Pageantry Review – It’s 2021, Should We Still Support Beauty Pageant

As Miss India winners were declared last week, they made a lot of heads turn. As usual, people started talking about these young ladies and their inspiring stories. To be honest, I am impressed but as I know what it takes to be there on that platform, I may not worship them. However, I remember the time, when I was a kid and used to see or read about these pageants and I used to be in an awe. I used to think, that’s how girls are meant to be like.

Later, this pulled me to visit their website. I thought, why not give it a try. I was in my happy bubble until I saw its specific height and age requirement. Surprisingly, they had not mentioned any specific body shape requirement, but till date I have not seen any ‘healthy girl’, as they call it, winning such pageants. I had heard stories that once they shortlist applicants, they are trained to look like a ‘Potential Winner’. Some higher level pageants also have a concept as ‘Beauty With A Purpose’, which means they are not only beautiful but also have a purpose to their life. I have even read about some pageants, which do not have specific physical requirement, but those winners never experience huge limelight. Also, why do we need different pageants for different types of bodies.

Well, I did not apply after reading the requirements. Then, I thought about many like me, who, at least once in their life, had thought about becoming Miss ‘whatever’. If you ask me now, I am not in favour of these pageants. However, I know, if I would have fit into these requirements before, I would have supported it without giving any thought as that’s what we all have been appreciating while growing up. We are in 2021, do we still need something like a ‘beauty pageant’?

Source – Pinkvilla
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