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Crown Up ! - International

Miss U.S. International 2021 crowned

Corrin Stellakis, Miss New-York, was crowned Miss U.S. International 2021 in a national competition held on June 25, 2021 in Kissimmee, Florida. She succeeded Maristsa Platis, Miss U.S. International 2020 and is expected to represent her country at the Miss International 2022 pageant in Japan.

The 24-year-old beauty queen is a  makeup artist, entrepreneur, pageant coach and personal trainer. She is owner of Fit To Reign @fit_to_reign @fittoreign She shares her joy on her social media.


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She is no stranger in pageantry. In 2013, she won the Miss New York Teen USA pageant and represented New York at the Miss Teen USA 2014. She also previously was crowned Miss Earth United States 2016, went on to compete in the Miss Earth 2016 pageant in the Philippines and later on was appointed as Miss Earth – Fire 2016.

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