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Pageant, a division at Patoune Editions

Inside Pageant is a magazine that is put together by our friends Patoune Editions before we can stand on our own two feet. This magazine was born following our collaboration with Editions Patoune on their first publication, anthology of pageantry.

Patoune Editions is a young publishing house which has developed a division Pageant. This department is animated by lovers of beauty contests. It will highlight the different actors of this environment and the diversity of this world that is often reduced wrongly to glitter and glamour.

In this division, Patoune Editions will publish reference books in order to perfect your knowledge of pageantry. It will able you to discover portraits of personalities, who have greatly influences beauty contests, but also immerse yourself in the history of this world before following the daily life of certain beauty queens via their private diaries.

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